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Angeline Dissoubray








2015 Exhibition "De la terre dont nous faisons le verre..." from CERFAV at Compagnie des Verriers of Vannes le Châtel (54)


Exhibition Biotopes (2015) at Musée/Centre d'Art du Verre at Carmaux (81)


2014 Exhibition at "Château Beauséjour" , puisseguin (33)


2012 Exhibition at Memento Flori, Glass and Flowers compositions, Nancy


Exhibition promotion 18 at museum of glass, Manoir de Fontaine,Blangly sur Bresle (2012)


Exhibition « un souffle de Verre sur les filles de l’air » Glass and Tillandsia at Conservatory and Botanic garden of Montet at Villers les Nancy (2012)


Nomination and Exhibition of piece « undecided » at the Internationnal Glass Belgium Prize. (2012)


2011 Exhibition of piece « undecise » at Biennale des Metiers d’Art, Besançon,

And Salon de la Foire des Savoir-Faire, Seine St Denis


Exhibition Promotion 18, 2011, cerfav Pantin


Project Triplex 2011, inflatable, 3D technology and glass, Vannes le châtel

 Exhibition "un verre: à boire! "the gallery" Ode au verre " ,2011, Minerva (34210)


2010 Exhibition "Verre-vous", Vannes le Châtel (54840)


2009 Painting exhibition in the Village Inn of  Saint Christophe des Bardes (33330)





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